Office of Research Compliance staffers are available to provide compliance consultations for the entire research community. Office of Research Compliance staff can also coordinate communication with federal oversight agencies when necessary. The Office of Research Compliance also offers tools and templates to researchers who want to assess their own research processes.
The Office of Research Compliance’s routine review program allows staff to identify research program strengths as well as areas where additional education or improved procedures may be helpful. Targeted reviews may also be conducted, if appropriate. Other research activities, such as IRB review procedures, are also subject to Office of Research Compliance review. Learn more about our Compliance Reviews.
New Investigation Consult and Education Reviews
Office of Research Compliance staffers will provide research compliance feedback on proposed study documentation and processes, after IRB approval, but before subject enrollment. New Investigation Consult and Education (NICE) Reviews are designed primarily for non-IND/IDE, investigator-initiated studies. Learn more about our NICE Reviews.