What is the phone number for the Compliance Hotline?
Who can call?
Anybody who has a concern about any aspect of research at UAMS can call this number. The hotline is available to take calls when the person making the call wants to keep the report confidential.
What kinds of issues can be reported?
The compliance hotline accepts calls related to any kind of compliance issue, not just those related to human subject research. Therefore, issues such as billing to a patient for a treatment or service that wasn’t done, or getting pay for hours not worked, can also be reported to the compliance hotline.
How will confidentiality be maintained?
The person taking compliance hotline calls is not a UAMS employee, and calls are not taped. The person will take the caller’s information, give the caller a code number and then tell the caller when to call back to find out what is being done to look into the situation.
Are people who call the Compliance Hotline protected from retaliation?
Yes. An employee who makes a good-faith report to the Compliance Hotline will be protected from any punishment. No one can stop another person from calling; if they try, they are subject to discipline.