The Division of Research & Innovation is divided into research support specialties, summarized below. You can obtain additional information/contact details via the associated website links.
- 46 invention disclosures as of 1/31/2023
- 36 new patent applications, and 15 U.S. patents granted in FY22
- Of 46 spinoff companies, 33 remain in operation in FY22
Institutional Animal Care & Use Committee
- 220+ active protocols from ~100 principal investigators and 25 depts/divisions
- IACUC reviews an average of 9 new protocols/month, over 100/year
- Approximately 12 annual protocol reviews conducted monthly or 150/year
- 25 addendum requests reviewed/month or 300/year
- IACUC visits the ACHRI/UAMS campuses (i.e., 4 vivariums in 3 buildings (Barton renovations 2020 – 2022); 83 labs in 8 buildings) to discuss research projects, ensure housing/husbandry/procedure areas are maintained, check required documentation is up-to-date, and check for personnel safety compliance
Institutional Review Board
- Had 1,453 human subject research studies open in FY22, an increase of about 10 percent from FY20.
- Approved 302 new human subject research projects in FY22.
- Reviewed and approved 908 modification forms for open research studies in FY22.
Office of Research Regulatory Affairs
Starting from December 2022, the following updates are applicable:
- Currently, there are twenty studies in the ‘Active’ phase.
- Additionally, eleven studies are in the process of FDA submission or study start-up.
- Over the past year, thirty-five studies have been reviewed for IND/IDE Determinations, with a few (~4 or 5) potentially not initially captured.
- Annually, there are over 100 monitoring visits conducted at UAMS, ACH, and UALR.
- Currently, oversight is provided for 83 records in
- Over the past year, 285 studies have been reviewed for determination.
Of the 35 studies that were reviewed for IND/IDE determinations (and were added to our database), 10 came from Children’s (~29%).
Of the 285 studies that were reviewed for, 99 came from Children’s (~35%).
Office of Research & Sponsored Programs
- Processed over 600 proposals, with 312 to NIH (FY2023)
- Submitted proposals included requests for over $699 million.
- Processed over 400 awards totaling $15.8 million (FY2023)
- Processed 370 outgoing subawards (FY2023)
Office of Sponsored Programs Administrative Network
OSPAN is a Research & Innovation PI support team. This group of 27 research administrators and scientific editors (including SciCom) provides support for grant submissions and award administration. OSPAN has 5 team leads (of 3-7 members each) for all UAMS’ colleges/divisions.
FY23 Statistics
- Supported 312 faculty
- Submitted 570 grant proposals
- Supported 615 grant accounts
Science Communication Group (SciCom)
SciCom is a scientific editing resource available to UAMS researchers at no cost. Editors help researchers produce clear and concise writing to increase their chances of obtaining extramural research funding or publishing in peer-reviewed journals.
- Edited 65 grants and 71 manuscripts in FY22
- Experienced editors with research experience (certified by the Board of Editors in the Life Sciences)
- Certified research administrator coordinates large, multi-component grant applications (e.g., COBREs, INBRE, P01s) and mentors junior investigators