Research Portals
Research Support Teams & Information
The UAMS Research Administration offices provide the following services to researchers and departments.

Grant Preparation, Proposal Management, and eRA Commons Account Setup
ORSP provides research support services, including grant proposal preparation, budget development, proposal submission, sponsor liaison, and other related services.
Contact: Office of Research and Sponsored Programs (ORSP)
Effort reporting; grants cost accounting; Inactivate award account in Workday
The Grants Accounting Office assists researchers and administrators with post-award management of grants and contracts.
Contact: Grants Accounting, Division of Finance
Editing for grant proposals and manuscripts
SciCom provides a range of editing services, from proofreading for grammar to more substantive editing, including organization and presentation.
Contact: Science Communication Group (SciCom)
Grant Application Resources
Grant Application Advice & Guides, SF424 (R&R) Application Templates, Grantsmanship Resources at NIH, Sample Applications, Summary Statements…
Grant Application Resources
Who can I contact for assistance during a grant cycle? Who can assist with an Arkansas Children’s Research Institute (ACRI) salarly account?
Submit Animal Use Protocols; Report Animal Welfare Concerns
The IACUC reviews and manages Animal Use Protocols (AUPs). They serve UAMS & the Arkansas Children’s Reseasrch Institute.
Contact: Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC)-Intranet site
Animal ordering; Husbandry services; Techincal Services……
DLAM supports the humance use of animals in biomedical research and medicine at UAMS.
Contact: Division of Laboratory Animal Medicine (DLAM)
Investigational New Drug/Investigational Device Expemption;
Assistance with preparing, filing, and maintaining IND and IDE applications, study monitoring, registration, and Good Tissue Practice (GTP) compliance.
Contact: Office of Research Regulatory Affairs (ORRA)
Reviewing Human Research Projects and Navigating the CLARA System
The IRB is responsible for safeguarding the ethical treatment of research participants by reviewing, approving, and overseeing research projects to ensure compliance.
Contact: Institutional Review Board (IRB)
MUSE: UAMS’ Compliance, Research, and Grants Management Platform
Find training sessions on using MUSE to submit a funding proposal, update SF424 forms, and more…
Contact: Office of Research Information System (ORIS)
Biomed Buildings lab space request, badge and key access, maintenance problems
Research Freezers, Poster Boards, Building Hallway Use, Elevator Notice Boards, Biomed Office Furniture, Lab Closeout Process & Timeline …
Contact: Biomed Buildings Research Space and Buildings Management
Intellectual Property/Technology Commercialization/Patents…..
BioVenture manages the intellectual property generated at UAMS. They assist inventors and startups in commercializing their technology.
Contact: BioVentures