Few things are more frustrating than getting your new submission all shipshape, or submitting your continuing review form on time to get a renewal before it expires, only to get a contingency back indicating that somebody on your study staff needs to complete human subject protection training on citiprogram.org. The online course must be retaken […]
New Plain Language consent template available on IRB website
The complicated language we often see in consent form has long frustrated subjects, IRB reviewers, and researchers. In an effort to make consent forms more readily understandable, the UAMS Center for Health Literacy, with input from others on campus, has developed a Plain Language consent form template that researchers can adapt to their studies. The […]
Is subject compensation the best-kept secret in research?
The issue of whether, and how much, to compensate subjects for research participation is something IRBs and researchers struggle with. Is a particular compensation scheme affordable given available funding? Will the proposed compensation be so high as to unduly influence the target population’s decision to join a study? Or is it so low that it […]
What to do with your data after you finish your study? And when do I tell the IRB of my plans?
All studies eventually end. Do you know what you’ll do with your research data once your study’s over? In fact, you’ll be asked to start thinking about what you plan to do with your data long term as you complete your new submission form in CLARA. The Risks section includes several questions about data storage, […]
A refresher on “notes” and “contingencies” in CLARA
CLARA allows reviewers and IRB office staff to make two different types of notations on studies they’re reviewing – “Notes” and “Contingencies.” There are important differences between the two, and using them correctly will improve workflows and speed up submission processing (and that can mean shorter meetings!). Here is a refresher on how to use […]
Full schedule of CRS classes planned for fall
The Office of Research Compliance has a full schedule of Certified Research Specialist classes planned for fall. Make plans to attend classes to earn or renew your CRS credential, or just to stay current on research best practices. All classes are to be held on the UAMS campus unless otherwise specified. Live class schedule: Essentials […]
Tips about Human Subject Protection training through CITI
The IRB requires current human subject protection training through CITI (citiprogram.org) for everyone listed as staff on research studies. CITI training is now valid for 3 years (up from the previous 2 years). CLARA automatically tracks CITI training status, and it’s accurate – most of the time. Here are some pointers to increase the likelihood that […]
New checklists to document IRB discussions and reviews
“If it’s not written down, it didn’t happen.” That saying has been used in reference to documenting medical procedures (you can’t bill for it if you don’t document it) and also to conducting research (you can’t prove that you did it unless there’s a documentation trail showing you did it). It also applies to IRB discussions, […]
The different kinds of prereview
I’ve gone into CLARA, I’ve checked the “history” tab for my new submission that I completed a couple of days ago, and the tab shows the study is in prereview. So the IRB already has my study and I should be hearing from the IRB in a few days, correct? Well, not exactly. CLARA is the […]
IRBs and Big-Data Research — A few commentaries
The use of big datasets that are just kind of Out There – and that may have been created without the intent of using them for research – continues to be discussion topic. Below are links to a few articles we’ve noticed on this issue. Wired published a piece about some of the confusion on […]