Some studies involve reviewing patient charts for encounters that have not yet occurred. Investigators sometimes ask to waive the entire consent process for these prospective chart review studies. Please keep in mind that the IRB’s ability to waive the entire consent process is restricted by current regulations, and many prospective chart review studies would not […]
Research News
Investigators, study staff, research administrators — keep up with research happenings in our Research News and Tips blog. Reminders for working with the Institutional Review Board, Clinical Research Administration (CLARA) tips, educational opportunities — we’ll post all that, and more, on this blog.
Collecting PHI in chart review studies
The CLARA new submission form asks investigators about the source of any protected health information (PHI) they may be using for the research. One query asks whether any PHI will be collected directly from subjects, and another asks whether you will access PHI from medical records. Please note that if you are doing a chart review […]
Listing the resources available to protect human subjects in record review studies
The CLARA new submission form’s Risks section starts with a question asking you to list the resources available to protect human subjects in the research setting. If you are doing a record review study, please go ahead and include an answer in this box, even though you won’t be interacting directly with living individuals. The […]
Describing your test article in a consent form
If your study involves a test article (drug or device), then you’ll need to let subjects know during the consent process about the test article’s approval status. Please note that the IRB will want the approval status stated very clearly. We’ve seen, for example, long lists of all the countries in which a particular test article […]
Describing coded data in a consent form
The IRB may require you to put information in the consent form describing how subject data will be stored. If you are storing all data with only a code rather than direct identifiers, you should include consent language saying something like, “Your personal information will be identified only with a code and will not include anything […]
“Retrospective Chart Review” defined
When we see a study submission that describes a project as a retrospective chart review, the IRB needs to make sure the project is truly retrospective. A retrospective chart review involves looking at information that already exists at the time of IRB approval. We may ask that you specify an end date to document that all the […]
New blog quiz available — earn 0.5 CRS credits
The next IRB blog quiz is available at To find the quiz, go to the home page and type “IRB” in the search box at upper right. Remember, these quizzes allow you to earn 0.5 Certified Research Specialist elective hours each – up to 2 hours per year – at the time and place […]
Students (and their faculty advisors): Remember to close completed studies in CLARA
So your study is done, your dissertation is written, and you’re gearing up for graduation and bigger and better things now that you’ve completed this part of your education. It’s a busy and exciting time for you, we know, but we do have one last piece of research-related advice for you – you’re not really out […]
Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally — She can only understand a lay summary that’s written in plain language
The CLARA new submission form includes a question asking “What is the lay summary of this study?” When we say “lay summary,” we mean “lay summary.” As the help text indicates, this response should be written in simple, non-technical vocabulary at a no-greater-than-high-school level. Cutting and pasting text from the study summary in your informed […]
Remember, we can’t approve studies until CITI training is current
Well, you may recall the good news from a few weeks back – the required human subject protection training taken through is now valid for 3 years, instead of the previous 2 years. The not-so-good news is that we still need to have all study staffers’ CITI training current before we can approve a […]