All protocols, consent forms, HIPAA authorization forms, and other study documents subject to revision should include a version number and date on each page. Whenever you update a document, please remember to update the version number and date on each page to reflect the changes. Also, when submitting tracked changes versions of documents, please make […]
Research News
Investigators, study staff, research administrators — keep up with research happenings in our Research News and Tips blog. Reminders for working with the Institutional Review Board, Clinical Research Administration (CLARA) tips, educational opportunities — we’ll post all that, and more, on this blog.
Earn CRS credit for an upcoming data security webinar
An upcoming webinar on data security will offer CRS elective credit. The UAMS Office of Research Compliance is to host the PRIM&R webinar “Data Security Incidents – the Role of IRBs and Information Security” on Thursday, February 26, from 12:00-1:30 p.m. in the Walton Auditorium on the 10th floor of the Cancer Institute. An overview of […]
TRI services available for the research community
The TRI Translational Research Services Center offers the following free protocol development services: Reviewing and editing protocols and supporting documents prior to submission to Institutional Review Board (IRB) and other regulatory oversight bodies Provision of custom templates for research protocols, informed consent forms and other study documents Coordinating efforts of multi-disciplinary project teams during protocol […]
Study closure form options explained
The CLARA closure form has three options for the status of a study that you’re trying to close. The study must fit into one of these three categories to qualify for closure. “Study never initiated (sponsored studies only)” is appropriate for industry-sponsored trials that, for whatever reason, never got off the ground at this site. […]
New submission form changes, plus some tips for completing the form
Those who pay close attention to these things (and we hope that’s all of you!) may have noticed some recent changes to the HIPAA section of the new submission form. The changes include rewording some queries to make it clearer that the form is asking you to indicate which specific PHI elements you are going […]
Picking the right “document type” for your informed consent material in CLARA
When uploading documents in CLARA, you’ll encounter a dropdown list of different document types. Please be careful to choose the type that matches the document you’re trying to upload. We’ve noticed that, in particular, the seven informed consent-related options tend to get selected a bit randomly. They all begin with “Consent, Assent and HIPAA;” the […]
Remember to address both data AND specimen handling in your protocol, when applicable
If your study involves keeping data and specimens for possible future research use, please remember to address the security and storage of both the data and the specimens in your protocol. We very often see what we think of as protocols with good intentions – their storage and use sections start out by mentioning both […]
Upcoming (Feb. 5) consent process workshop offers CRS credit
We’ve all heard the saying, “Consent is a process, not a form.” An upcoming workshop at Arkansas Children’s Hospital promises an innovative look into the process of informed consent with your study subjects, and offers Certified Research Specialist (CRS) credit to boot. The first hour of this 2-hour class will review the regulations, policies, and […]
January 28th webinar offers CRS credit!
Do you work on studies listed on If so, an upcoming class may be of interest to you – and you’ll get Certified Research Specialist (CRS) credit for attending. The Office of Research Compliance will present a webinar “Reporting Failed Trial Data: New Rules for” on Wednesday, January 28, 2015, from 12:30-2:00 p.m. […]
Help us to help you (Part 2) — CLARA question? It helps to have Lync available on your computer
If you’re having trouble using CLARA, please give us a call in the IRB office – we’re happy to help out. Sometimes it would be really helpful to us to be able to physically see where you are in CLARA. This is possible through the screen-sharing function in the Lync communication system (most commonly used […]