Some studies do not require the investigator to obtain the formal written consent of subjects using an IRB-approved consent form. The circumstances in which documentation of consent can be waived are described in UAMS IRB Policy 15.3 (see section II.B). Please note, however, that even when a waiver of documentation of consent is requested/granted, some […]
Research News
Investigators, study staff, research administrators — keep up with research happenings in our Research News and Tips blog. Reminders for working with the Institutional Review Board, Clinical Research Administration (CLARA) tips, educational opportunities — we’ll post all that, and more, on this blog.
Please upload CVs to your CLARA profile, not to individual projects
CLARA allows researchers to add their CVs to their CLARA profiles, rather than requiring the CV to be uploaded as a document to individual protocols. Including the CV in the profile automatically links the CV with each of that person’s studies. This is a change from our old system; in ARIA, CVs had to be […]
Expand your browser window to see the “Review and Submit” button
We often get calls from researchers asking about the status of a modification or contingency response they submitted weeks ago. However, these items aren’t submitted to the IRB unless you hit the “Review and Submit” button at the lower right of the browser window. This button can sometimes be hidden if your screen is not […]
Tips for completing the new submission form in CLARA
Paying close attention to each question on the CLARA new submission form and writing responses that include the specific information requested will help your study get through the review and approval process faster. Each new submission form query addresses a key piece of information that either the IRB or another institutional office needs to approve […]
What is the IRB looking for when it reviews recruitment materials?
The IRB asks that all materials used to recruit study subjects be submitted to the IRB before use. These materials include items such as recruitment flyers and brochures and the content of any advertisements, letters, emails, or social media postings that will be seen by potential participants. The IRB will review these materials to ensure […]
Please provide complete information on the HIPAA questions in new submissions
CLARA’s new submission form includes a section specific to HIPAA. If you indicate that you will be accessing existing PHI for your project, you will be asked to “Describe the PHI that will be accessed for the research.” The IRB asks that you briefly summarize the specific information to be accessed, e.g. diagnosis, treatment history, […]
Stacking documents and naming them correctly speeds study reviews
Please remember to stack the new document versions upon previous versions using the “Revise” button in CLARA when submitting revised items in a modification or contingency response. Stacking items ensures that the newest version of each document can be easily identified and that the correct version will be listed in the approval letter. Please also […]
Speed your study reviews by providing specific answers on the New Submission form
Each free-response question on the New Submission form requests specific information. We know that can be tempting to cut and paste text from the protocol or consent form in response to these queries, and we’ve noticed that some submission forms repeat the same cut-and-pasted response to multiple questions. Sometimes the answer to the question being […]
A reminder about funding deadlines and IRB review times
The IRB routinely receives submissions from PIs asking for approval before a certain date to meet deadlines imposed by a funding agency. If you are facing such a deadline, please note that the IRB review and approval process can take a month or more for a full-board review study (particularly if the IRB has contingencies, […]
“Identifiers” and “PHI” are two different things!
The IRB’s new submission form asks about the protected health information, or PHI, that is going to be accessed or collected as part of the research. PHI is information that identifies the individual and that relates to past, present, or future physical or mental health; provision of health care services; or payment for the provision […]