Please bear with us in the IRB Office as we work to implement the Revised Common Rule (RCR) and forgive any delays in IRB responses between Dec. 15 and Feb. 15.
The RCR goes live Jan. 22. In the weeks before that day, we’re scrambling furiously to maximize our chances for a smooth transition. Being realists, we know the weeks after will involve working through any bumps in implementation. These demands mean the usual day-to-day IRB activities of reviewing and approving human subject research and protecting human subjects may be slowed down a little during that time.
We note some other institutions are not accepting new submissions at all during the transition period. We are hoping to avoid having to take such an extreme measure, so we do ask for your patience if something seems to be taking longer than it should in our office. You can always check the status of your submission in the CLARA “history” tab, and, as always, feel free to contact us to let us know if something needs special handling or you have a question about where your study is with the IRB.