If you’re wondering whether your project meets the definition of human subject research requiring review, you don’t need to go through the complete new submission form process to find out. Instead, you can complete the much shorter and simpler human subject research determination form in CLARA to find out. Not only is the form much simpler than a new submission form, but it comes straight to the IRB after submission, without undergoing any other offices’ prereviews. Once it’s submitted, we’ll review it and give you our determination through CLARA.
Note that this form is also the only way to get an “official” determination that your subject is NOT human subject research. You may need to show a journal or conference organizer that your project underwent some kind of IRB review, and the letter you’ll receive by submitting this form will suffice. The human subject research determination form is designed to elicit the information we need to find out whether your project requires IRB review. While we can give you our first impressions via email or phone, the only official determination we make is the one that comes to you through CLARA.