Because we try to keep things simple at the IRB (or maybe we’re just simple folk), we’re thrilled to announce that we have created a resource that contains information that industry sponsors and external IRBs tend to ask for as we start up our site in multi-site studies. We’ve collated the responses to the questions we tend to see on local context and sponsor questionnaires into a single “Sponsor and xIRB (local context) Information sheet.”
The sheet is posted in two places on our website (Two! That’s how much we like it!): The “Templates, Training, Tools” page (see the very bottom) and the “Single/Central IRB Review“ page (again, in the resources at the bottom.
And, like all things IRB, we will try to make improvements to this resource when warranted. So, if you notice something that comes up a lot as you complete forms for sponsors and external IRBs, but our sheet does not address it, please send an email to letting us know. We are happy to consider new items for inclusion.
The flip side of that coin — please remember to check the sheet often, because you never know what might have changed on it since you last downloaded it.