Some research projects anticipate the use of tissue that has been removed surgically. If you plan to use fresh tissue in a research project, please remember that UAMS Policy requires most tissue to be cleared through the Hospital Pathology Department before it can be used for research. There are a few exceptions – they’re listed […]
Research News
Investigators, study staff, research administrators — keep up with research happenings in our Research News and Tips blog. Reminders for working with the Institutional Review Board, Clinical Research Administration (CLARA) tips, educational opportunities — we’ll post all that, and more, on this blog.
A reminder about consent form reading levels
Just a friendly note from your local IRB reminding research team to try to make informed consent materials read at somewhere in the grades 4 through 8 range. We know that sounds like a low reading level, but in most cases, it’s doable. It’s also appropriate for most studies. Health literacy can be low in […]
Minimal risk research, the FDA, and consent waivers and alterations
Well, while we freely admit to muttering under our breath about some FDA research requirements, we want to take this opportunity to shout from the rooftops about a new FDA guidance indicating the agency will not object to the IRB waiving or altering informed consent requirements in some minimal risk research. This guidance – which […]
NIH policy changes related to human subject studies
We recently received word from NIH about policy changes that people who conducted NIH-funded human subject research, or who seek to apply for NIH support for such research, need to know about it. The correspondence is below. Please contact the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs for more information about these changes. If you are […]
Two sure-fire — and avoidable — contingencies
Since we all – research teams and IRB alike – like to see research proposals get approved quickly, we thought we’d point out a couple of issues we’ve been seeing a lot of lately that will get you a contingency. — Incorrectly stacked documents. If your clean and tracked-changes copies of documents are not stacked correctly, […]
At long last — Draft FDA guidance on Part 11 compliance
The Food and Drug Administration, continuing its long tradition of issuing timely guidance, has issued a draft guidance about 21 CFR Part 11 – the regulation pertaining to the use of electronic records and electronic signatures in clinical investigations. A summary of the draft guidance is available here. The comment about “timely guidance” should be […]
Two simple fixes that will get things through the IRB faster
We at the IRB really hate to have to send submissions back due to minor little slip-ups, but we’ve been seeing a few little problems crop up lately. Since we’re a little short-staffed, we don’t really have time to sort through submissions that need some minor fixes to get them ready to review, so we’ve […]
We’re still thinking about informed consent processes and forms here
As we gear up for the implementation of the revised Common Rule, slated for January 2018, we’re still thinking about ways to make the informed consent process more meaningful for and understandable to potential subjects. The revised rule includes a requirement that the informed consent “begin with a concise and focused presentation of the key […]
Closure form enrollment tips
We’ve noticed a few trends on reporting enrollment on study closure forms that we’re hoping to nip in the bud: – When listing the total number of people who enrolled in your study, please be sure to include everybody who signed a consent form, even if they failed screening or didn’t actually participate in the […]
New CRS blog quiz is available
The 3rd quarter blog quiz, that will earn you 0.5 hours of Certified Research Specialist Elective credit, is now live. Go to and type “IRB” into the search box at upper right to access the quiz. Yes, you’ll have around 3 full months to complete this quiz to earn your credit. However, remember how […]